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A.D. Bilal

Welcome! Here you'll find my original books, stories, and captivating worlds to explore. Thanks for stopping by, and happy reading!

Rose Burning

Coming Fall 2023
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About The Author

A.D. Bilal has loved writing since she was 8 years old.

Although her interests have varied over the years, she’s always found solace in the written word. She writes stories about broken people navigating broken worlds. She's spent the last 10+ years working in social services and is currently pursuing her Masters in Social Work degree. When she’s not writing she’s finding new ways to torture her husband, serving in her church, or searching for tv shows and movies to binge. Her debut novel, Rose Burning, will release fall 2023. She’s excited to connect with her readers. Soli Deo Gloria!

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Forest Sunrays

© 2023 A.D. Bilal | Created By SMJ Designs

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